Feb 8, 2012

From stickly Thin to Stallion Size?

Here are some old (around 2007-2009) Pictures of Realsexibarbie.As you can see she is very thin and around 5´0 "tall". And now she have thight legs and a very big ass?Yes of course,Photoshop makes it!!!!

 This Picture as you can see is UNPHOTOSHOPPED.This is the REAL her!!!!!!!
 See her small legs and no Ass?
 On the Left: Realsexibarbie    On the right: Her Twinsister Angelina
 Small Legs and tiny Ass
 All tiny and small Boobs!!!!!!!!!!
 Small Legs,Face is brushed with Photoshop

 Small Boobs,Face is smoothered with Photoshop
 Unphotoshopped Pictures....Thats her REAL Face.
Flat Chest+Tiny Legs and Ass

So now tell me: Who is you "Sexy fabolous Dreamwoman"?????????